Lab events

ARVO2024: 3 presentations and 1 poster on the way to Seattle

2024-02-01 18:09
Today is the day when most of the researchers in ophthalmology get the news they have been waiting for a long time. This is the result of the ARVO2024 (American Research in Vision and Ophthalmology) annual conference abstract submission.

This year our lab has 3 presentation and 1 poster to go!
These are:

Jonathan R Soucy - Poster 1556 - A0022, May 6, 2024, 8:30 AM to 10:15 AM

'Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule inhibition improves retinal ganglion cell integration within the mouse retina'.

Jon had a paper presentation last year, so we will be happy to see you on site again. Looking forward to hearing about the latest research on DSCAM.

Volha Malechka - Paper, Session: Glial contributions to retinal health and disease, May 7, 2024, 8:30 AM to 10:15 AM

'Microglia activation and its modulation following RGC transplantation'
Olga was also a presenter at ARVO2023. We asked her to share some details about the upcoming talk, and here it is: 'As we know, microglia is one of those contributors to the transplantation outcome that does not allow the cells to pass it with flying colors. Yet what if we find a way to control the behavior of microglia?

Emil Kriukov - Paper, Session: Retina miscellaneous: Translational, May 5, 2024, 1:00 PM to 2:45 PM

'Digital eye: single-cell multiomics simulation to model and study cell-cell interactions during development, regeneration, and in the pathogenesis of retinal and optic nerve diseases'.
Emil will introduce a couple of the brand new methods of analyzing cell-cell interactions and translating the results from 'dry' biology, as well as some new approaches in making the cell-cell interactions computational methods closer to reality. As he said, 'We have tried to do the things people find funny: combine the healthy cell types with diseases. Well, it is funny for sure, as now we can model the disease progression with the new strategy of analysis'.

Petr Baranov— Paper, Session: Advances in stem cell and organoid models of retinal development and disease, May 5, 2024 from 3:15 PM to 5:00 PM

'GHOST-seq: Graft and Host Omics Studies to improve Transplantation outcome within and outside the eye'.
Petr, the head of the lab, will demonstrate a new method of assessing the quality of the donor material (i.e. organoids) in the computational space, and the way the information obtained can support the transplantation outcome even at its first stage by answering the practical question: is the organoid good enough to be transplanted?
We will be happy to see you on site!